Year 6 - Falcons 2024 - 2025
Mrs Yeomans
Welcome to Falcons Class!
Year 6 is a very important part of every child’s journey and we are looking forward to all of the exciting learning opportunities that will take place throughout the year. Falcons Class are excellent representatives of our school values and expectations - every day they believe in themselves to achieve and succeed!
During the Autumn term, we will be learning about World War Two. In the Spring term, our learning will focus on South America and Argentina. During the Summer term, we will reflect on the children’s achievements during their time at Hackwood as well as reflecting and celebrating what makes them special and unique before they move onto secondary school. Throughout the year, there will be school trips, workshops and visitors welcomed into school to enrich the learning.
Our classroom door is always open, please come and see us to find out more about the learning taking place in Year 6.
Mrs Yeomans and Mrs Bullivant
PE Days:
Thursday and Friday are our PE days. Please ensure your child comes to school in the correct PE kit. Long hair should be tied up and any jewellery should be removed before coming to school.
Home learning:
Spellings will be shared on Seesaw every Tuesday and the spelling test will be held the following Monday. Please practise the spellings with your child, encouraging them to use the words in sentences too. Please see the home learning challenges too, that are sent out half-termly.
Please encourage your child to read regularly at home, either independently or to an adult. Once they have finished their book, they can quiz on Accelerated Reader. We have a wide range of books available in the classroom and in the library for children to access.
Being fluent in times tables up to 12x12 is an essential part of maths. Children have access to Times Table Rockstar on their iPads, where they can practise their times tables. All children also have access to Sumdog, which they can use to practise their reasoning skills.
If you have a child in year 6, at the end of key stage 2 (KS2), they will take national curriculum assessments in:
- English grammar, punctuation and spelling
- English reading
- mathematics
These tests are often referred to as ‘SATs’.
The tests help measure the attainment of pupils in relation to the standards set out in the national curriculum, and help teachers and parents identify where pupils may need additional support in a certain subject area. The secondary school your child is moving to will also be able to access your child’s results. This helps them plan how best to support new pupils on entry.
During the Autumn term, we hold a meeting for parents and carers about KS2 SATs where we share information and resources. If you require any more information or copies of the information shared at the meeting, please contact the school office.
Year 6 residential trip:
During the summer term, we take Year 6 children on a residential where they can fulfil the Harmony Pledge ‘be an adventurer’! The residential trip is a fantastic opportunity, packed full of adventures on land and water, designed to inspire, motivate and challenge children. We will be holding another meeting for parents and carers with more information about the trip in the Summer term. We are already looking forward to seeing the children develop their independence and challenge themselves on the trip!