Nursery - Squirrels 2024 - 2025
Miss Dudson
Welcome to Squirrels Class!
We are so happy that you have chosen Hackwood Nursery! This is the start of the children's journey at Hackwood Primary Academy and we cannot wait to see them learn and grow.
In Nursery we do lots of learning through play that is inspired by our topics. The children have access to explore both the classroom environment and the outdoor area during free flow. The children also take part in small group activities with adults to help them to develop social and communication skills. We also have a variety of trips/visitors that help to enhance our learning; these include a walk to the local co-op, a police visit and a minibeast workshop.
Here are some things you might like to know about our year group:
Welly Wednesday
We take part in outdoor learning everyday and the children have free choice of playing inside or outside. However, on Wednesday we do 'Welly Wednesday', where all of the children are outside, developing their physical development, social skills and taking part in planned adult-led activities. The children can leave their wellies at school to encourage independence.
Our Motto and Expectations
In Nursery we use the phrase 'kind hands, kind feet and kind words', this links to our Personal, Social and Emotional development and also follows the Hackwood expectation 'We are respectful'.
Files to Download
Nursery Knowledge Organiser Autumn 1 - Nursery Rhymes.pdf Nursery - Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 1.pdf Nursery - Home Learning Challenges Autumn 1.pdf Nursery - Knowledge Organiser Autumn 2 - Food.pdf Nursery - Curriculum Newsletter Autumn 2 .pdf Nursery - Home Learning Challenges Autumn 2 (Food).pdf Nursery - Curriculum Newsletter Spring 1 (People Who Help Us).pdf Nursery - Knowledge Organiser Spring 1 - People Who Help Us.pdf Nursery - Home Learning Challenges Spring 1 (People Who Help Us).pdf Nursery - Home Learning Spr2 (Traditional Tales).pdf Nursery - Knowledge Organiser Spr2 - Traditional Tales.pdf Nursery - Curriculum Newsletter Spr2 (Traditional Tales).pdf