Hackwood Primary Academy

Year 3 - Owls 2024 - 2025

Miss Savage

Year 3 – Owls 2024 - 2025

Welcome to the Owl class!

Every day we are so proud of how the children believe in themselves to achieve their goals and succeed. 

Year 3 begins a journey into Key Stage Two, so it's a very important year! We have high expectations around learning, presentation and making positive choices. We also encourage the children to be more independent ready for their Key Stage 2 journey. Through our INSPIRE curriculum we nurture a range of practical and investigative skills using our imagination and reflection, all while enjoying ourselves!

Over the course of the year, the children will enjoy enrichment activities including trips and visitors.

Here are a few things you might like to know about our year group:


PE Days:

Monday and Wednesday.

Please ensure your child comes to school in the correct PE kit. Long hair should be tied up and any jewellery should be removed before coming to school.



Spellings will be sent out every Tuesday and the spelling test will be held the following Monday. Please practise the spellings with your child, encouraging them to use the words in sentences too.

On the school website there is also a homework menu with some homework activities for you and your child work on together.



Please read with your child regularly. It is essential that they read regularly to develop their ability to decode words fluently and develop their understanding and reading skills.

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