Reception - Rabbits 2024 - 2025
Mrs Trickey
Reception - Rabbits 2024-2025 Mrs Trickey and Mrs Philpott
Welcome to the Rabbit class!
We are so proud of the way all the children have started school. They have all settled into our school routine and in their first term have developed in confidence and independence. They happily come into school in the morning and are eager to start their morning jobs.
Rabbit Class is the foundation stage. The beginning of their journey through Hackwood. Laying the foundations for all their learning to build upon. In Rabbits Class we do lots of hands-on learning through our INSPIRE curriculum.
We look forward to sharing our exciting learning with you about all the fantastic things that happen in our class. This term we have already had an inspirational visit from two owls and a falcon! and we have further enrichment activities to look forward to over the coming months.
Here are some reminders for supporting the children at home and at school.
PE Days:Monday and Thursday.
Please ensure your child comes to school in the correct PE kit. Black tracksuit bottoms/shorts, white t-shirt and trainers, long hair should be tied up and any jewellery should be removed before coming to school.
Homework activities are shown below. Please choose at least six tasks and bring them into school to share with the class. We look forward to putting their hard work on our wow wall!
Please read with your child regularly and practise their high frequency words. Reading 10 to 15 minutes every night is ideal. We teach the children 4 phonics sounds each week and will teach reading activities daily. But practise really does make perfect.
Keep encouraging and developing a love of books and enjoy hearing your child read. It really is magical!